GSU made a huge impression at the annual meeting for the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology last week. B&B Neuro Faculty Dr. Elliott Albers was chosen to receive the highest honor of the society, the Daniel S. Lehrman Award for Lifetime Achievement in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. GSU made a huge impression in many other ways, as well. Dr. Johnathan Borland, former PhD student of Elliott Albers and B&B Fellow was given the prestigious WC Young Recent Graduate Award for the quality of his dissertation, his scholarly productivity, and his mentoring and outreach activities. Neuro B&B Fellow Niko Rigney was one of only two graduate students selected to give oral presentations of their research in The New Investigator's Symposium. Two of our graduate students, B&B Fellow Erica Williams and Emma Shaughnessy were among the 24 graduate student winners of Welcome Initiative Awards that provided free registration and support from the Society.
In addition to these awards, GSU had a significant presence in nearly every other event at the meeting. In a major effort to increase the participation of underrepresented people, the Society sponsored several workshops and town halls. B&B Faculty Geert DeVries, Ph.D. and Nancy Forger, Ph.D. were organizers of a town hall on sex and gender and our faculty and students were major participants in all these interactive events. Neuroscience graduate students, in general, made a great impression and were wonderful representatives of GSU. Former Neuro B&B Fellows who are now in faculty positions, such as Devaleena Pradhan, also made a point to express their appreciation for their time at GSU. There were also many contributions of GSU faculty, postdocs and students to the scientific program including numerous posters and a great Symposium presentation by Dr. Forger and Dr. Castillo-Ruiz. In short, GSU has arrived as one of the premier institutions in the field of behavioral neuroscience. B&B Faculty Anne Murphy, Ph.D. worked incredibly hard to organize the virtual platform of the meeting, which was enormously successful. Thank you Dr. Murphy for all your hard work over the last two years and for taking on the job again next year for an in-person meeting.