The NI Seminar Series features local speakers and takes place in Petit Science Center Room 124 at 10 AM, generally twice a month. Seminars are followed by an informal "meet & greet" with the speaker in the 8th floor lobby of PSC. Seminars are open to anyone; Meet & Greet sessions are open to students and trainees.
Contact Us
Neuroscience Institute Acting Director
Dr. Nancy Forger
Associate Director of Brains & Behavior Program
Liz Weaver, M.S.
Interdisciplinary Committee Chair
Dr. Sarah Brosnan
Office Address:
880 Petit Science Center
100 Piedmont Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA, 30303
USPS Mailing Address:
Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University
PO Box 5030
Atlanta, GA 30302-5030