Rafaela G. Feresin
Ph.D. Program Director of Nutritional Concentration Chemistry, Nutrition- Education
PhD, Nutrition and Food Science, Florida State University (2015)
MS, Nutrition and Food Science, Florida State University (2011)
BS, Nutrition, Federal University of Goias, Brazil (2003)
- Biography
Research Interests
My laboratory studies the role of polyphenol-rich foods in cardio-metabolic and musculoskeletal diseases. We focus on their mechanisms of action as well as clinical outcomes. Recently, we have been studying whether berry polyphenols prevent angiotensin II-induced hypertension and cardiac damage by modulating the gut microbiota and attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation.
Selected Publications
- Chan D, Meister ML, Madhani CR, Elfakhani M, Yount ST, Ji X, Feresin RG, Wanders D, Mo H. Synergistic impact of xanthorrhizol and d-δ-tocotrienol on the proliferation of murine B16 melanoma cells and human DU145 prostate carcinoma cells. Nutrition and Cancer. 2020; In Press. PubMed PMID: 32811212.
- Najjar R, Feresin RG*. Plant-based diets in the reduction of body fat: physiological effects and biochemical insights. Nutrients. 2019; Review. PMID 31717463.
- Pourafshar S, Johnson SA, Keshavarz B, Feresin RG, Khalil DA, Arjmandi BH. The effects of supplemental vitamin E on hematological parameters in a rat model of ovarian hormone deficiency. Menopause. 2018; 25(3):336-342.
- Feresin RG,Johnson SA, Pourafshar S, Campbell JC, Jaime SJ, Navaei N, Elam ML, Alvarez-Alvarado S, Akhavan N, Tenenbaum G, Brummel-Smith K, Figueroa A, Arjmandi BH. Impact of daily strawberry consumption on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in pre- and stage 1-hypertensive postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. Food and Function. 2017; 8(11):4139-4149. PMID: 29099521.
- Feresin RG, Pourafshar S, Huwang J, Zhao Y, Arjmandi BH, Salazar G. Extraction and purification from freeze-dried berry powder for the treatment of vascular smooth muscle cells. J Vis Exp. 2017 Jul 5;(125). PMID: 28715389.
- Salazar G, Huang J, Feresin RG, Zhao Y, Griendling KK. Zinc regulates Nox1 expression through a NF-kB and mitochondrial ROS dependent mechanism to induce senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2017; 108:225-235. PMID: 28363602.
- Johnson SA, Feresin RG, Navaei N, Figueroa A, Elam ML, Akhavan N, Payton ME, Arjmandi BH. Effects of blueberries on oxidative stress, inflammation, and antioxidant defense in postmenopausal women with pre- and stage 1-hypertension in a randomized controlled trial. Food & Function. 2017; 8(1): 372-380. PMID: 28059417.
- Feresin RG, Huwang J, Zhao Y, Klarich D, Pourafshar S, Arjmandi BH, Salazar G. Blackberry, raspberry and black raspberry polyphenol extracts attenuate angiotensin II-induced senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells. Food & Function. 2016; 7(10):4175-4187. PMID: 27506987.
- Figueroa A, Alvarez-Alvarado S, Jaime SJ, Johnson SA, Campbell JC, Feresin RG, Elam ML, Navaei N, Pourafshar S, Arjmandi BH. Influence of low and normal appendicular lean mass on central blood pressure and wave reflection responses to muscle metaboreflex activation in postmenopausal women. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 2016; 43(12): 1243-1246. PMID: 27558210.
- Zhao Y, Feresin RG, Falcon-Perez J, Salazar G. Differential Targeting of SLC30A10/ZnT10 heterodimers to endolysosomal compartments modulates EGF-induced MEK/ERK1/2 Activity. Traffic. 2016; 17(3):267-288. PMID: 26728129.
- Johnson SA, Feresin RG, Soung DY, Elam, ML, Arjmandi BH. Vitamin E suppresses ex vivo osteoclastogenesis in ovariectomized rats. Food & Function. 2016; 16(3):1628-1633. PMID: 26923532.
- Figueroa A, Jaime S, Johnson SA, Alvarez-Alvarado S, Campbell J, Feresin RG, Marcus L. Elam, Arjmandi BH. Impact of age on aortic blood pressure and wave reflection responses to metaboreflex activation in postmenopausal women. Experimental Gerontology. 2015; 70:119-124. PMID: 26192974.
- Johnson SA, Figueroa A, Navaei N, Wong A, Kalfon R, Ormsbee LT, Feresin RG, Elam ML, Hooshmand S, Payton ME, Arjmandi BH. Daily blueberry consumption improves blood pressure and arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with pre- and stage 1-hypertension. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015; 115(3):369-77. PMID: 25578927.
- Elam ML, Johnson SA, Hooshmand S, Feresin RG, Payton ME, Gu J, Arjmandi, BH. A calcium-collagen chelate dietary supplement attenuates bone loss in postmenopausal women with osteopenia. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2014; 21(12):1292-7. PMID: 25314004.
- Feresin RG, Johnson SA, Elam ML, Arjmandi BH, Hakkak R. The effects of obesity on bone mass and quality in ovariectomized female Zucker rats. Journal of Obesity. 2014; 2014:690123. PMID: 25309751.
- Bakhshalian N, Johnson SA, Feresin RG, Elam ML, Song DY, Arjmandi BH. Dietary phosphorus exacerbates bone loss induced by cadmium in ovariectomized rats. 2014; 21(12):1292-7. PMID: 24736197.
- Feresin RG, Johnson SA, Elam ML, Kim J, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BS, Payton ME, Akhter MP, Arjmandi, BH. Effects of vitamin E on bone biomechanical and histomorphometric parameters in ovariectomized rats. Journal of Osteoporosis. 2013; 2013:825985. PMID: 24089643.
Selected Presentations
- Role of functional foods and bioactive compounds in preventing and improving chronic diseases. Workshop (3 h). Federal University of Goias, Goainia, Goias, Brazil. May 30th, 2019.
- Berries and their polyphenols for cardiovascular health. Department of Cardiology and Biology Seminar Series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. April 1st, 2019.
- Functional foods and their bioactive compounds for health: what is the evidence and how much should we consume to obtain their benefits? Workshop (1.5 h). Georgia Academy of Nutrition Annual Conference and Exhibition. March 27th, 2018.
- The promising role of berries in human health. Department of Nutrition Seminar Series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. December 6th, 2018.
- The promising role of berries and their bioactive compounds in health. Department of Chemistry Seminar Series, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. February 2nd, 2018.
- Functional foods and bioactive compounds in bone and cardiovascular health. College of Pharmacy Seminar Lecture Series, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR. November 18th, 2016.
- Scholarship of discovery in the Boyer’s model. College of Health Professions Faculty Showcase, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR. July 13th, 2016.
- The role of functional foods and dietary supplements in bone and vascular health. Department of Dietetics and Nutrition Seminar Series, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR. September 10th, 2015.
- Feresin RG (PI), Wanders D and Chassaing B. Berries prevent hypertension and cardiac damage by modulating the gut microbiota and attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation. NIFA-USDA. $500,000. March 2019-February 2022.
- Culbreth R (PI), Brandenberger K, Feresin RG (Co-I). Assessing Biochemical and Physiological Effects of Vaping CBD Oil on Young Adults. Lewis Foundation Grant Program. $10,000. May 2020-June 2022.
- Feresin RG (PI), Wanders D and Chassaing B. Impact of berry consumption on gut microbiota, inflammation and insulin resistance. Lewis Foundation Grant Program. $10,000. May 2018-June 2020.
- Feresin RG (PI). The protective role of blackberries and raspberries in angiotensin II-induced hypertension. Arkansas Biosciences Institute. $17,500. July 2016-June 2017.
- Feresin RG (PI). The effects of blackberry and black raspberry polyphenol extracts on osteoclast differentiation and activity. Medical Research Endowment-Herbert L. Thomas, Sr., Memorial Award. $10,000. January 2016-June 2017.
- Feresin RG (PI). The protective role of blueberries in endothelial cells. Dean’s Society Grant-College of Health Professions-University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. $7,500. January 2016-June 2017.
- Salazar G, Feresin RG (Co-PI). Determining the protective role of various berry polyphenol extracts in senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells. Center for Research and Creativity-Florida State University. $14,000. May-August 2015.
- Arjmandi BH, Figueroa A, Feresin RG (Co-I). Daily incorporation of strawberries into a diet favorably improves vascular function and lowers aortic blood pressure in postmenopausal women with prehypertension. Investigator Initiated Grant, Strawberry California Commission. $82,037. January 2012 – December 2014.
- Arjmandi BH, Feresin RG (Co-PI). The relationship between sex hormones and the severity of osteoarthritis. Center for Research and Creativity-Florida State University. $14,000. May-August 2012.
- American Society for Nutrition
- American Heart Association
- American Society for Bone and Mineral Research