Xiaolin Hu
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies Computer Science, Neuroscience- Education
B.S., Automatic Control, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 1996
M.S., Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1999
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, 2004
- Specializations
Modeling and Simulation, Complex Systems Science; Agent and Multi-agent Systems, Autonomous Agents, Advanced Computing in Parallel and Cloud environments.
- Biography
Dr. Hu was a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award recipient. His research interests include modeling and simulation theory and application, complex systems science, agent and multi-agent systems, and advanced computing in parallel and cloud environments. His work covers both fundamental research and applications of computer modeling and simulation. Recent work includes developing Dynamic Data-Driven Simulation (DDDS) as a new simulation paradigm that constantly assimilates real-time data from a system under study. The developed methods have been applied to applications such as large-scale wildfire spread simulations. Another line of work involves studying adaptive behaviors and developing multi-agent coordination mechanisms for autonomous systems such as unmanned aircraft. He also developed agent-based modeling and simulation for complex social and public health systems. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Dr. Hu has served as chair for many international conferences/symposiums in the field of modeling and simulation. He is an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, and International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (IJMSSC). He has published more than 100 technical papers and given many colloquiums and invited talks. He is a senior member of IEEE and a senior member of SCS.
- Publications
Keller, X. Hu, Towards Data-Driven Simulation Modeling for Mobile Agent-Based Systems, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 29(1):1-26 · February 2019
Long, X. Hu, Spatial Partition-Based Particle Filtering for Data Assimilation in Wildfire Spread Simulation, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), Volume 3 Issue 2, Article No. 5, August 2017
Bai, F. Gu, X. Hu, S. Guo, Particle Routing in Distributed Particle Filters for Large-Scale Spatial Temporal Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Volume 27, Issue 2, pp 481-493, 2016
Dahl, H. Xue, X. Hu, M. Xue, Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modeling of Wildfire Spread Using DEVS-FIRE and ARPS, Natural Hazards, Volume 77, Issue 2, pp 1013-1035, 2015
Hu, N. Keller, Agent-based Simulation of Child Maltreatment and Child Maltreatment Prevention, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 18 (3) 6, 2015
Xue, F. Gu, X. Hu, Data Assimilation Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Wildfire Spread Simulation, The ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Vol. 22, No. 4, Article No. 23, 2012
Hu, Y. Sun, L. Ntaimo, DEVS-FIRE: Design and Application of Formal Discrete Event Wildfire Spread and Suppression Models, SIMULATION, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 259-279, 2012
Qiu, X. Hu, Modeling Group Structure in Pedestrian Crowd Simulation, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 190-205, 2010
Hu and L. Ntaimo, Integrated simulation and optimization for wildfire containment, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), vol. 19, no. 4, 2009.