Over the past four years, the core faculty of the Neuroscience Institute have brought in an average of nearly $5 million a year in research funding.
Associate faculty come from 14 departments across the university, adding breadth to the Neuroscience Institute’s research and academic offerings.
Research Areas
Behavioral Neuroscience
The Neuroscience Institute has many researchers who investigate behavioral neuroscience at varying levels. A major research focus is on social behavior, which is facilitated by the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience. There is also a particular strength in neuroendocrinology, the study of how hormones affect the brain and behavior. Some researchers follow a biopsychology approach to understanding behavior, where animal models of human conditions are studied. Others use a neuroethology approach, where neural mechanisms underlying the natural behaviors of animals are studied.
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
The Neuroscience Institute includes research groups exploring a vast array of cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating neuronal and glial cell development and function across levels and species, in conditions of both health and neurological disease. Labs utilize state-of-the-art techniques including genetics, genomics, epigenetics, genome engineering, high-resolution imaging, and protein biochemistry, among others, to dissect the function of key molecules and signal transduction cascades that govern a broad spectrum of nervous system function and dysfunction. Areas of emphasis include neurodevelopment, ion channel and receptor signaling machinery, epigenetic regulation, and neuroinflammatory signaling utilizing both invertebrate and vertebrate systems.
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Computational Neuroscience
The Neuroscience Institute has well-established strength in modeling and mathematical approaches to neuroscience, with an emphasis on oscillations in neural networks. The Associate members in Math, Physics, and Computer Science play important roles in this area. The Center for Neuromics supports computational approaches to big data.
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging
The Neuroscience Institute is home to an expansive group of researchers studying cognitive neuroscience from a variety of angles and disciplines, from network neuroscience to clinical psychology to neurophilosophy. This work covers social cognition, attention, decision making, emotion, memory and linguistics. A particular area of expertise is the use and development of technologies for brain imaging, including rodent and human magnetic resonance imaging (f/MRI) and multiphoton microscopy. Several centers support this research including the Center for Advanced Brain Imaging and the Language Research Center.
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Sensory and Motor Neuroscience
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Emotion and Motivation Systems
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Disorders of the Nervous System
Core Faculty
Associate Faculty
Core Facilities
Contact Us
Neuroscience Institute
Office Hours (Available Remotely):
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office Hours (In Person):
By appointment
Neuroscience Institute Acting Director
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Office Address:
880 Petit Science Center
100 Piedmont Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA, 30303
USPS Mailing Address:
Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University
PO Box 5030
Atlanta, GA 30302-5030
Shipping Address:
Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University
161 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30303